About us.
Quantities compete for space, qualities complement each other.

- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Desita offers integrated strategic consultancy to create and restyle food and retail concepts, food brands, and the development of franchising formats.

It is a reality born from the desire to offer entrepreneurs a unique interlocutor with transversal competencies who takes care of the entire process of realising commercial activity, starting from the idea to the production.

The specialist approach in the food & retail sector satisfies a demanding and focused clientele, who are as interested in aesthetics and design as in functionality and economy.

Thanks to our international experience, gained mainly in the Middle East, we have consolidated a multidisciplinary methodology that brings together the various creative plans, the geographical and historical components of the territories, food habits and trends.
The Desita's entrepreneurial philosophy, devoted to openness and dialogue between different markets and cultures, inspired the idea of the Desita Award - Pizza & Gelato Experience, the international contest, now in its 6th edition, which invites designers from all over the world to rethink and improve the food experience, with particular attention to the universe of two Italian excellences: pizza and gelato.
A perennial laboratory of research and development that, since 2016, in each edition, intercepts, deepens and divulges insights and innovations.

The great passion for our profession, in synergy with study and continuous updating, allow us today to generate customised solutions for every growth objective and for every type of client.

Desita has entered into strategic partnership with several award-winning Interior Design, BIM and Architectural delivery services firms and bespoke high-end refrigerated display and furniture manufacturing companies to be a growth engine for brands and entrepeneurs.

from theCEO.
"I have always thought of Desita
as a company capable of
combining creativity and pragmatism,
working with enthusiasm and
competence for startups and

- Norman Cescut.
Contact us.
Tell us about your projects.
We will be happy to analyze their development potential.
Especially to the foreign market.
Your expert in design for business.

Desita S.r.l. - Italy - Dubai - India - Egypt
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Credits TITANKA! Spa